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- The Fork.
The Fork.
Are crossroads internal or external?
The Fork.
Are crossroads internal or external?
Hey Friend,
The trees find me on my walks with Jax and they share their story.
100% of the time, so far, the tree has been there on our regular walks and I've walked past it at least a hundred times, yet it's the first time I'm 'seeing' it.
Maybe this means it's the first time I'm being really present and in my body, rather than living in my mind. Or maybe it was just the right time for the tree and I to connect. Who knows.
Today's tree got me thinking about crossroads. What do crossroads represent?
Are they external, representing an OUTSIDE choice we need to make, like a choice on where to live?
Or, maybe they are internal. Perhaps, it's more about seeing which direction we're being asked to take based on our feelings speaking on the INSIDE of us.
I came to a conclusion.
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Grounding won't stop you from feeling like you are split in two. It will only enlighten you to the parts of you that you have either denied or accepted about yourself.
She talked to herself, often. There was no one else to talk to most of the time.
The division between heart and head was real, at least to her.
The constant conflict, the fear of making the wrong choice, the overthinking and mounting stress was creating instability in her roots.
She began to wonder if she was even capable of creating stability.
Her roots felt weak, unstable and malnourished.
Despite continuous grounding, she always felt ungrounded.
"What is the answer? Why can't I figure this out? I always feel so torn."
Standing alone, in the box she's always lived in, afraid to spread a seed outside of the normal established rules and boundaries.
Safety is an interesting thing, she thought. It's only safe until it becomes toxic.
Her mind raced.
Soil, like any environment, can poisoned, disturbed, dug up and depleted of all nourishment. And once that happens to an environment, it's time to go before the environment takes you down with it.
Then come the choices.
Left or right?Up or down?Here or there?
There is a temptation to stay put because it's known and comfortable. Even when it's no longer comfortable, the 'knowing what to expect' is comfortable because there's no risk.
"Except my happiness, I guess?"
When you know that you are in a toxic environment, at least you feel safe because you are already aware that you are in a toxic environment.
In fact, you are now an expert in toxicity. You had to be because otherwise you couldn't survive. You have to blend with your environment or you won't make it.
She remembered a super power she used to have, to share and connect. To inspire people to see things differently, to tell stories that captivated people.
One day after many years, her leaves drooped, her branches hung heavy in the air. She felt defeated, and unable to go on.
"I look terrible."
There was a chuckle from somewhere a clear distance away.
She stiffened her spine a bit.
"Okay, if I can heal this, it'll all get better. I just know it."
Another chuckle, louder and longer this time.
"WHO IS THAT?!" she yelled.
"Oh, it's just me." a raindrop slid down her leaves.
"Yeah, like I said. Just me."
The sky was the LAST person she wanted to hear from, not that he was a person anyway. Just an overly optimistic, always cheerfully honest friend she could always count on but never asked for help. That's all!
"I see you're split in two again." Sky said.
"Ahh, yes, thanks Captain Obvious!"
"Oh, I missed that clever quip." he chuckled.
"Has it ever occurred to you that you're looking at your situation from beneath it?" he asked.
"Well, no, actually. How do I..." before she could finish, he sent the wind to lift her energy.
The cold chill straightened her trunk, lifted her branches and sent her leaves up into the air! This is about as close as a tree could get to the sensation of flying.
"How does that feel?" he asked.
"AMAZING! I can see so differently from here. I can see how all choices lead to the same destination!"
"Was it really my point of view?" she asked Sky.
"Do YOU believe it was your point of view?"
They both chuckled.
The Lesson
"When You Come To A Fork In The Road, Take It!"
What if it's never been about the choice you make because all choices lead to the same destination?
If you believe your choices have a negative or positive impact on your life, you are stuck in an energy of duality.
Right or wrong.Left or right.Up or down.
You can't possibly know how it will all turn out and believing that you can minimize your risk is merely keeping you from experiencing the adventure of life.
We don't weigh pros vs cons. We take logic and intuition into account, then we make the leap.
It takes courage, faith and trust... and maybe a little bit of pixie dust.
This is when you begin living, instead of merely surviving.
When you upgrade your subscription to ANNUAL,you receive ALL 12 of my mini-courses in 2023, completely free.

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