Strike of the Phoenix

When the fire of the Phoenix is suddenly extinguished (Part 3/4)

Strike of the Phoenix

When the fire of the Phoenix is suddenly extinguished (Part 3 / 4)

Hey Friend,

What happens when the Phoenix energy is disrupted by the cold brush of reality?

Many years ago, I was leaving a film shoot at about 5 a.m. and part of my film crew was ahead of me on the highway. They exited to an over ramp, going left and I veered right, heading back home.

What felt like 2 seconds later, I saw an explosion and a huge fire right where my film crew was. I began calling them frantically, and I couldn't reach anyone. A truck had exploded right behind them, causing the entire over pass to start melting.

I tuned the radio the AM station, where I heard a member of the crew calling in to report the incident. Immediately, I felt relieved. Still, 2 hours later, I was sitting in a chair in my living room, unable to sleep because of the sheer adrenaline of what I witnessed.

Two seconds could have altered the course of our lives forever.

Though most of us won't experience extreme physical heat in this way, we may be able to relate to the shock that comes with something unexpected.

How do you respond when things don't go as you expect?

Let's check in with Fotiá.

Welcome to Part 3.

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The Brush With Death.

The signs we ignore.

"First, be like water, then flow?"

His own words echoed in his mind throughout the school day. He nervously watched the clock, which was moving at a snail's pace.

His teacher's screechy voice rattled his nerves a little extra today.

"I just can't understand it..." he said out loud.

"What's that Fotiá?" His teacher asked.

"Oh, no, nothing. I was just talking to myself."

Just then, the bell rang and he was the first out the door. The river was just a short distance away and as he ran there, he slipped on some wet grass, catching himself before he fell.

He turned around, looking back at the grass, his attention lingering for a moment.

"What am I doing?" He laughed and continued running to the river.

A few raindrops began to fall when he was a few blocks away. A dark cloud formed overhead, bringing a strong wind and some light rain with it.

Maybe I should turn around. No, no. It won't take long.

His internal dialogue continued, encouraging him to turn back around. Each time, he ignored it and persisted toward the riverbed.

When he was just one block away and the river was in sight, a bolt of lighting shot down from the sky and struck a tree ten feet from him.

Lightning striking a tree

"Fotiá, are you OK?" His mother asked, hand on his chest.

His vision was foggy, and he felt groggy, wiping sleep away from his eyes. His father watched from the corner of the room, anxiously pacing.

He was in a hospital bed and 24 hours had passed.

"Where's my rock?" he asked.

His parents looked at each other, confused. He realized the rock was gone, he could feel it the distance. He somehow knew that it was never coming back.

His chest felt hot, like it was on fire. As he lifted his hospital gown to peer at his chest, he saw it again. The Phoenix symbol was burned into his chest.

Blue and red phoenix

Canva pro images

The Doctor walked in just then, "That'll be gone soon! We're just glad you're OK."

Fotiá kept looking at his chest, "What's this?"

"It's from the electricity that ran through your body. It created quite the interesting symbol on you."

The Lesson

As we deepen our understanding of the signs and shocking events that occur, "What does it all mean?" is a question that often arises.

Since life is meaningless, we get to assign meaning to our experiences.

Signs merely serve to bring your attention back to your heart. They cause you to pay attention, to be present, to breathe and most importantly, to listen. To be grateful.

I like to think that even consequences, although sometimes hefty, are always working in our favor. They enlighten us, creating an ability for us to be jolted into a new level of awareness. Sometimes it's through our actions, and sometimes due to others.

Either way, we can find solace in the fact that the Universe has our back. Today, Fotiá needed to be in that hospital.

We'll soon find out why.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s tale.

If you're enjoying this story, please consider upgrading to a paid membership for only $18 per month to support the creation of future stories in the Felicia's Fairytales series.